Exploring Shadow Through Archetype
General Information
This workshop explores Carl Jung’s theory of personality with specific focus on the Shadow. We will explore the Shadow by first identifying personal Archetypes and the “transcendent function” utilizing an expressive arts technique and self-compassion inquiry to cultivate wholeness. Shadow explorations is particularly helpful in recognizing and managing counter-transference. (3 CEUs)
Educational Goals
The Exploring Shadow Through Archetype workshop will teach participants:
to understand Jung’s theory of personality
to understand the concept of the transcendent function and its role in achieving wholeness.
to help clinicians manage their own counter-transference by engaging with their own Shadow.
to encourage clients to recognize and access internal resources in their most challenging times.
Measurable Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to define and understand 2-3 structures of Jung’s theory of personality.
Participants will be able to define Jung’s concept of the transcendent function and how to utilize the concept in their work with clients.
Participants will learn 2-3 ways to apply the concepts of archetype and shadow in their work with clients.
Participants will be able to utilize concepts and the expressive arts technique to assist clients in facing challenging aspects of their own personality.
Workshop Outline
1) Introduction
(a) Overview of Jungian theory of personality.
(b) Definition of archetype and shadow as structures of personality.
(c) Discussion
2) Exploration of self-compassion.
(a) begin expressive arts process.
3) Exploring personal archetype and shadow through expressive art process.
4) Discussion
(a) Group process
(b) Q & A