Introduction to Active Imagination:
Bridging the Unconscious to the Conscious
General Information
Participants will experience the use of active imagination with symbolic images to amplify meaning and integrate the unconscious and conscious mind. (3 CEUs)
Educational Goals
The Active Imagination workshop will teach participants:
to understand the use of Active Imagination as technique to explore and amplify unconscious processes.
to understand how to identify and work with symbolic images.
to help clients creatively integrate unconscious and conscious thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.
to expand self-awareness and wholeness.
Measurable Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to recognize and utilize symbolic images with clients to access a variety of unconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and desires.
Participants will be able to apply the use of Active Imagination through amplification with images to expand self-awareness
Participants will learn how to effectively guide clients through an Active Imagination sequence.
Workshop Outline
1) Introduction
(a) Action method introductions and warm-up
(b) Discussion
2) Exploration of symbolic images
(a) definition of symbolic image
(b) methods of identifying symbolic images
3) Experiential Activity
(a) Active Imagination engaging with a symbolic image
(b) Utilize expressive art/writing to amplify image work
4) Discussion/Questions and Answers